If you know how to play Rummy, you know how important it is to properly set up the game. Rummy is a game of strategy and skills. However, it is also a game of likelihood, probability, permutations, and combinations when it comes to dealing and shuffling the cards.
The likelihood of players getting certain kinds of cards should be equally distributed among all the players. This equality element completely depends on two things: shuffling and dealing the cards.
Let us understand more about shuffling and dealing in rummy.
The Set-up
First things first, take two standard decks made up of standard 52 cards. If you are the dealer, you will have to shuffle and deal the cards among all the players. Each card deck will include a Joker card, which is essential for various Rummy variants.
Shuffling and its Types
Definition: Shuffling is the process of mixing the cards to ensure fairness and randomness, with each player having an equal likelihood of getting random cards. This prevents any players from gaining any unfair or biased advantage from the dealer.
It will also prevent a situation where someone can be blamed because a player received all bad cards.
Now let us dive into the types of shuffling
Overhand Shuffle
Overhand shuffling is the most common, simple, and straightforward form of shuffling in Rummy. It is ideal for beginners, people who are still learning to shuffle.
- You need to grip the deck with your dominant hand (right, for instance) on the long edge.
- Keep your weak (left) hand on the short edge of the deck.
- Your right hand is above your left hand, holding the top and bottom of the deck.
- Your left thumb will separate a little part from the top of the deck.
- The other hand will then drop the remaining deck into the other hand and pick it up instantly.
- Continue this process till all the cards are mixed up enough.
Riffle Shuffle
Riffle shuffle is a classic Rummy shuffle technique that you can easily follow. It is a great way to mix the cards in your hand.
- Split the deck into two halves.
- Hold one part in each hand.
- Your thumbs on the inner edges and fingers on the outer edges.
- Position them so that the corners of the small edges touch each other.
- Use your thumb to riffle the cards so that they fall on each other alternately.
- To riffle, you need to pull their corners in the air and leave them to react to gravity.
- When they all fall, push them into each other to complete the deck once again.
There are a few other types of shuffles in Rummy, such as the Faro shuffle and the Hindu shuffle.
The number of cards distributed to each player completely depends on the number of players participating in Rummy.
- 2 players: 10 cards each
- 3-4 players: 7 cards each
- 5-6 players: 6 cards each
Now, to ensure that you are dealing with the cards fairly, with no bias, you will have to shuffle the cards thoroughly!
Playing Rummy has so many layers to it, and shuffling and dealing is one of them. If you find joy in distributing cards in rummy and being the dealer, take responsibility toward being fair, learn and master the art of shuffling. It takes regular practice and complete concentration.
Other than that, it’s time to deal the cards and get to playing the game!